this pictures are about a workshop i run in Borgovecchio, a small area of Palermo that is a kind of ghetto. with a non-profit association called Arteca we organized an atelier of painting for kids and we painted the walls of the area.( no city permission, just the people living there). People of that neighborhood need external experiences and values other than those dictated by terms of power, frustration and misery (criminality, scarce education, unemployment, personality disorders).they need to not feel excluded from the rest of (a supposed) society. we want to continue this work because the people get involved by giving us paint and walls, and feel part of our activity. watching the painting on their houses people are stimulated to reflect on their relation with the place they live! we don't make decoration! support us! soon ...
primo muro: la casa
la balena
gatto e omino
il lupo e la farfalla
melo di facce
il gatto e il topo
il caneporco
video video video video